Category Archives: General

If you believe in love, you need to see this

I found this video as I was checking the song contest winners of the Blizzcon 2010 today…


The winning song was The Queen of the Blades by a guy/girl/band I hadn’t heard before… Sure enough, I check their YouTube channel and find The Armada…


And I gotta say, this is one of the most awesome videos on YouTube this year. It’s creative, it’s original. The song is good. And hey, it’s a love story and it’s an adventure…


If you believe in love, and enjoy creative videos, watch this one and tell your friends about it too (I think it deserves way more attention than the 85k views it has now):


Here’s the link The Armada by Galt Aureus. (if you can’t see the embedded video below)

It’ll make you feel good.

p.s. if you enjoy their music, check out their website at